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Metallicheskiy Konstruktor

Metallicheskiy Konstruktor (Металлический конструктор) looks like a copy of Technokid(1) from Hungary. It was made in Russia by the Voronezh Council of National Economy (Воронежский совнароз) in the 1930s. Duralumin parts, copper-plated steel, fasteners with a diameter of 3 mm. 18 models, 783 parts, 42 names of parts. The box is wooden. Strip width 14.8 mm, perforation 14.4 mm.

Manufacturer / Distributor

Voronezh Council of National Economy (Воронежский совнароз), Russia

Below there are manuals/leafets which can be downloaded by clicking on the appropriate image.

A Metallicheskiy Konstruktor set manual from 1936.

Photos of a Metallicheskiy Konstruktor set from 1930s.